Proudly Representing the Indiana Union Construction Industry Since 1976
What is Top Notch?
Top Notch proudly represents more than 75,000 union tradesmen throughout Indiana, as well as the 4,000 union contractors who employ them. Top Notch fosters partnership between labor and management. From safety discussions, community outreach programs, diversity initiatives to the development of a substance abuse program for the Indiana union construction industry, labor and management in Indiana have worked in tandem under the Top Notch umbrella for four decades. Scores of business agents and contractors have met at the Top Notch table over the years to discuss initiatives that could improve their job sites and the industry as a whole.

Our Mission
Top Notch is the one association representing all sectors of Indiana’s Union Construction Industry. Top Notch promotes and advocates the value and cost-effectiveness of its members that make up Indiana’s highly trained and skilled construction industry. Top Notch leads, coordinates, communicates, educates and unifies key associations and labor groups within the Indiana Union Construction Industry.
Our Board of Directors
Management Representatives
John Abbott, Circle B. Co.
Scott Bullerdick, Ben Hur Construction
Mitch Denton, Pepper Construction
Evan Frazer, B & E Painting
Greg Fuller, North Mechanical
Bill Fyffe, Bowen Engineering
Lance Gassert, Garmong Construction
Scott Hermesch, Wilhelm Construction
Jon Huston, Huston Electric
Roger Meyer, Hagerman Construction
Dave Peterson, ERMCO
Mark Riffey, FE Moran
Dave Santarossa, Santarossa Mosaic & Tile Co
Bill Sewall, AECOM Hunt
Carl Schultz, Performance Contracting
Ex-Officio Members:
Bob Hargate, Drywall Contractors Association
Andrew Williams, NECA
Chris Quinn, MCA
Julia Saltsgaver, Quality Connection
Labor Representatives
Don Bough, Plumbers and Fitters Local #440
Andre Grocox, Indianapolis Electrical JATC
Randy Jones, Painters Local #47
Steve Knowles, Bricklayers #4
Jon Hooker, Central Indiana Building Trades
Ron Morin, Plasterers Local #46
Chad Scott, Sprinkler Fitters Local #669
Steve Scott, Operating Engineers Local #103
Brian Smith, Roofers Local #119
Jason Smith, Insulators Local #18
Trent Todd, Sheet Metal Workers Local #20
Jeff Wheeler, IBEW Local #481
John Whitaker, Iron Workers Local #22